Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Write a Paragraph with New Words

Learn the following English words (remember the meanings and spellings); then without seeing them again, write down a single paragraph containing all of these words (use your brain power to relate them; your paragraph might be funny; no problem; however, it should be correct).

Note that while writing the paragraph you should not look at any word.

Writing the whole paragraph should be done in less than 5 minutes; be fast in writing your own sentences.

gore: a small usually triangular piece of land (as where two roads diverge)

sorgo: a sorghum cultivated for the sweet juice in its stems (to make sugar and syrup)

pellucid: transparent

coeval: of the same age or antiquity; contemporary

affranchise: to make or set free from obligation or service

eremite: a religious recluse; hermit

gregarious: tending or enjoying to be in crowds and socializing

Friday, August 1, 2014

Numerical Maze P3E2M2 - Medium

In 7 minutes, find a path from the START to the END passing only through numbers that are divisible by 6. Note that there is only one solution for this numerical maze. To make you find numbers divisible by six faster, here is a hint to memorize and apply:

If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3 AND its last digit is even then that number is divisible by 6. For example, 912 is divisible by 6 because the sum of its digits, twelve (9 + 1 + 2 = 12), is divisible by 3 and its last digit, two, is an even number.

Numerical Maze
Numerical Maze


Numerical Maze