Saturday, September 29, 2012

Numerical Maze of Divisibles by 6

In 10 minutes or less, find a path from the START to the END passing only through numbers that are divisible by 6. Note that there is only one solution for this numerical maze. To make you find numbers divisible by six faster, here is a hint to remember and apply:
If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3 AND its last digit is even then that number is divisible by 6. For example, 612 is divisible by 6 because the sum of its digits, nine (6 + 1 + 2 = 9), is divisible by 3 and its last digit, two, is an even number.

Numerical Maze of Divisibles by 6
Numerical Maze of Divisibles by 6


Puzzle Answer


Numerical Maze of Divisibles by 6

Leavin the studio

Yesterday afternoon, I went to visit my friend Albert, who is a painter. While I was watching him paint, I told him, "No wonder it takes you so long to finish a painting. Since I arrived, you have entered the studio twelve times." How many times did he leave the studio?

Puzzle Answer


11 times (one fewer than the number of times he went in).

Numerical Maze of Divisibles by 12

Find a path from the START to the END passing only through numbers that are divisible by 12. There is only one solution for this numerical maze. To solve this maze faster, first learn the following three mental math hints:

1) If a number is divisible by 3 and by 4 then the number is divisible by 12.

2) If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3 then the number is divisible by 3. For example, 2130021 is divisible by 3 because 9, the sum of its digits (2 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 9), is divisible by 3.

3) If half of a number is an even number then that number is divisible by 4. For example, 72 is divisible by 4 because half of it, 36, is an even number. Also, if the last two digits of a number is divisible by 4 then that number is divisible by 4. As an example: 897232 is divisible by 4 because its last 2 digits; i.e. 32, is divisible by 4.

Numerical Maze


Puzzle Answer


6 Lots with the Same Shape

Can you divide the following area into 6 lots with the same shape?


Puzzle Answer



Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short List Puzzle

Find the next word in this list:

Embark, Cotton, Ochre, Calm, Small, Duvet, Frost?

Choose from:

Dell, Flute, Globule, Orange, Plume

Puzzle Answer


Dell: if you look at the lower case letters and those without ascenders (i.e., o, m, z and so on) you will see a list of colours running through the words - maroon, cream, mauve and rose.


The following account of conditions on a remote South Sea isle comes from a usually unreliable source. It seems that the M'gmb race inhabiting this isle is ruled over by a wily chief who has a passion for erecting monuments to himself. To do this work he hires men at 5 bmgs per day. But the race is not noted for industriousness, and the chief fines each man 7 bmgs for each working day when he loafs or is absent. Knowing his fellow M'gmbs well, the chief has chosen the rates so that each M'gmb just breaks even in every month of 24 working days. Thus the chief never has to pay out a single bmg. The question arises, how many days does a M'gmb work per month?

Puzzle Answer


The M'gmb works 14 days per month, earning 70 bmgs. But he loafs on the other 10 days, and is docked just 70 bmgs.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Puzzle Answer



Seven men engaged in play. Whenever a player won a game he doubled the money of each of the other players. That is, he gave each player just as much money as each had in his pocket. They played seven games and, strange to say, each won a game in turn in the order of their names, which began with the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

Puzzle Answer


Which row is the odd one out?

Which row is the odd one out?

Which row is the odd one out?
Which row is the odd one out?
Puzzle Answer


Apart from D, each row contains one figure with one stroke, one with two strokes, one with three strokes, one with four strokes and one with five strokes. In row D there are two figures with four strokes and none with five strokes.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Odd Number Out

You have 15 seconds to detect which number is the odd one out?



The other numbers are divisible by 13.


Concatenate any 3-digit number with itself; e.g. for 835 it would be 835835. Divide it by 7.
The remainder will be zero!

Example: For 235, you would have 235235; where 235235 divided by 7 will be 33605 with 0 as the remainder.

Now, divide the quotient by 11. The remainder will be zero!

For the above example, 33605 divided by 11 will be 3055 with 0 as the remainder!

Again, divide the new quotient by 13. The remainder will be zero!

In the example, 3055 divided by 13 will be 235 and the remainder will be 0. Note that 235 is the original number of this example!

In summary:

235235 (concatenated by itself)
235235 / 7 = 33605 (remainder is zero)
33605 / 11 = 3055 (remainder is zero)
3055 / 13 = 235 (remainder is zero and 235 is the original number)

Another example; take 743 then:
743743 (concatenated by itself)
743743 / 7 = 106249 (remainder is zero)
106249 / 11 = 9659 (remainder is zero)
9659 / 13 = 743 (remainder is zero and 743 is the original number)

The reason is:

7 * 11 * 13 = 1001
and multiplying 1001 by any 3-digit number will be like concatenating it with itself; e.g. 100 * 1001 = 100100, or 532 * 1001 = 532532.

Hence, any number obtained by concatenating a 3-digit number with itself can be divided by 1001 and as 1001 is equal to 7 * 11 * 13, it can be divided by 7, 11, and 13.

By knowing the above fact, in a minute, out of the followings, find four numbers which are divisible by 13!

a) 713700
b) 845548
c) 145158
d) 987978
e) 426526
f) 469456
g) 363350


a, c, f and g.
a) 713700 (as 713700 + 13 = 713713; 713713 / 13 = 54901, so:713700 / 13 = 54900)
c) 145158 (145158 – 13 = 145145)
f) 469456 (469456 + 13 = 469469)
g) 363350 (363350 + 13 = 363363)

Odd One Out

Which is the odd one out?


The two strands should pass over and under each other alternately, as in the other examples.

Two Edged Words!

Which word can be joined on to the end of the first word and the beginning of the second word to form two new words?


man ? wink

Answer is hood.

man ? wink
man hood wink

The  two new words are manhood and hoodwink.

Now try these puzzles:

1) ear ? ling

2) barn ? stick

3) cause ? lay

4) light ? fly


1) nest (earnest and nestling)

2) yard (barnyard and yardstick)

3) way (causeway and waylay)

4) house (lighthouse and housefly)

A Two-Dimensional Word Scramble Puzzle

A Word Scramble is a word puzzle game that provides you a group of jumbled letters and wants you to unscramble them to make a real word. As an example, if you get the letters “TBES” you may unscramble them to detect the word “BEST” [Reference: G. R. Roosta, Word Scramble Puzzles, 2010 ASIN: B003A83WA4].

A Two-Dimensional Word Scramble puzzle has two steps. In the first step you solve a couple of regular word scramble puzzles and identify the original words and then in the second step you rearrange a given set of letters from these original words to discover the final word.

Here is a Two-Dimensional Word Scramble Puzzle:

There are seven 7-letter words as follows. Unscramble them and then take the middle letter of each word to make the final answer of this puzzle:



1. jewelry
2. keyword
3. mystery
4. rooster
5. benefit
6. clarify
7. fatness

The middle letters of the above words:


By unscrambling ewtsern, we find the final answer as:


Circular Words

Each circle represents a word which can be spelled by starting at the appropriate letter and moving clockwise or counterclockwise around the circle. You should identify the words.


Circular Word 1

Circular Word 2


Circular Word 3

Puzzle Answer


1) ergometer
2) thrift
3) emblem

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Word Jigsaw

Fit the pieces into the frame to form common words reading across and down. There is no need to rotate the pieces; they will fit as illustrated with each piece used only once!

Word Jigsaw - Frame

Word Jigsaw
Word Jigsaw - Pieces


Word Jigsaw - Answer

The Martian Rub

This is a well-known logic puzzle in English: The Martian Rub

After his spaceship landed on Mars, astronaut Mark disembarked and approached the first Martian he saw.

"Am I headed for the geological dig?" he asked.

The Martian rubbed his stomach.

Astronaut Mark knew that Martians could understand some Earth-talk, but were not able to speak it; Mark, like so many Earthlings, could neither speak nor
understand Martian gestures. He didn't know whether rubbing the stomach meant yes or no. But by asking one additional question, Mark was able to find out.

What was that question?

The Martian and Astronaut Mark


Astronaut Mark rubbed his stomach and asked, "Did you do this?" 
Whatever the Martian did in reply would mean yes.

Detect the Different Picture

There are 10 pictures in the following list. Look at them for 2 minutes. This is list is followed by a list of the same pictures; however, one of its pictures is different; it has an extra object added into it. Then, you should review the second list to detect the picture that is different. Note that while you are on the second list, you should not return back to the first list.

List 1: Review this list of pictures for 2 minutes:

List 2: This list contains the same pictures; however, one of them has an extra  object added into it. You should review this list to detect which one it is:




The second one has an extra soccer ball!